The World Health Organization predicts that pandemic influenza, a virus that could cause many people to get sick, will spread worldwide by 2020. The fear of this phenomenon has led to many people being receptive to online gaming as a social connection tool.
This blog post examines how online บา คา ร่า 168 games could help with the general anxiety of being faced with the potentiality of a pandemic and also how it affects players’ relationships and mental health. In addition, it discusses how game developers and companies can take advantage of this opportunity for increased profit motivation by focusing on their players’ mental health needs.
When we look at the economic impacts of pandemics on society, we can see how they affect two different groups. The first group is those who suffer from a pandemic. This group will suffer economic losses, such as reduced income, lost productivity, and healthcare costs. The second group is those who receive money in exchange for giving their time to help those experiencing a pandemic. A ‘volunteer’ takes on the role of a health care worker or aid worker. He or she helps others in need whilst earning money at the same time. These people will receive cash for their services and also face emotional stress from having to help others at such an unfortunate time in history. Although this second group is not suffering from the disease, they are helping to humanity in need and shouldn’t be discounted.
The most wide-spread pandemic in history, the Spanish Flu of 1918, had a worldwide death toll of approximately 50 million. One way to combat this is by generating interest and hope within people’s everyday lives. The best way to do this is through video games, which have been shown to positively impact mood, social interaction, and coping skills.
Young people are often highly connected with social media and technology, and are therefore open to video games being used to overcome stress. This can be seen through research carried out by Mark Griffiths of Nottingham Trent University. He found that the three main positive emotions were the positive effect of video games on mood, self-esteem, and social interaction. These three feelings could be linked to depression or anxiety, and young people who suffer from these mental health issues can find comfort and inspiration from playing video games within the safe experience of their own home.
In conclusion, online gaming is a way of connecting with others in a new and different way. Although there are some negative aspects to this, for the most part it can be an educational, helpful and fun outlet for our society to learn from. The video game industry could take this pandemic as an opportunity to help us deal with the stress that we may face in the future by providing us with a stress-relieving tool that is also an incentive as it makes us feel like we’re doing something that has benefit to others, rather than just being selfish.